Kevin and Jason started on one of the 5.8 cracks then Paul's Boutique. Kevin leads Paul's Boutique.

The crux of Paul's Boutique is near the beginning.

Jason works his way up it.

Kevin leads Squeeze Chimney.

It starts with a short squeeze chimney but's mostly a fun, funky overhanging face crack with hand jams, finger locks and face holds.

There was time to climb one of the harder thin face climbs while the sun was still keeping the rock warm enough. We jumped on Thorazine Dream. I fell when my foot slipped while pulling past the initial bulge, which threw me for a bit of a loop. After a couple of false starts, I lowered to the ground then managed a clean send. I was psyched.
Jason had never been on it but he gave it a valiant flash attempt. Here he is getting into the bidness. This hold is good enough to get to the mono.

He's got the mono. It's one finger to the second knuckle and it's good.

And he pulls past the crux!

Jason prepares for the last few moves.

It's another beautiful day in northern New Mexico and there's finally some snow on the Sangres!